Description about solo show “Super Processor” 2019

So far, Kikuchi has been making works based on his interest in “Language” at the core, which is the highest ability of usage of abstraction concept that only human being has, while combining with interest in another innate ability which human being exclusively has that is “Eroticism = Socially Managed Death and Sexuality (subject suppressed by social system that Language generates)”; works often feature limitation of his physicality by himself to educe indeterminacy because of his skepticism to his own aesthetic decision. It is the attempt to live modernistic spirit of which rationality is the condition in personal level, and to generate hyper-rationality through his rationality, besides acrimonious irony to Japanese collectivistic society, and to himself living in the society.

In this exhibition, as well as works improved their abstraction levels by stoic approach as above, a new painting series BLACK CORRECTION featuring elements and approaches which are antithetical to the other has contraposed. The series has elements taken from political and cultural history, also has trick to bizarrely let vulgarity and loftiness cohabit. The vulgarity is what Kikuchi has supperessed himself in rational process of making his works; according to an analogy of relations of the above mentioned “Language” and “Socially Managed Death and Sexuality”, it corresponds to the latter. Therefore, this exhibition shows duality; his personal existence in society, and rationality and irrationality in himself.

In BLACK CORRECTION series, the interest in Language has expanded to semiotic issue, the issue about Sexuality has been treated only as symbol of vulgarly, which is designed to buried in other motifs. The title of the exhibition Super Processor is the symbol of connection of vulgarity and highly designed social system. In Japan, uncensored porn video is illegal. Super Processor is the name of fraud device which were sold in the past, touted as machine could unveil censored parts of videos.

In this exhibition, Kikuchi’s first installation work inspired by the device Super Processor has shown as the representation of stoically abstracted works. And as a metaphor of the original device’s alchemical business, his first sculpture has shown as the completely fabrication of the device.


本展覧会では、上述の禁欲的な方法により抽象度を高められた作品群に加え、新しい試みとして、それらの対極に位置する要素や方法を前景化させ制作されたペインティングシリーズ“BLACK CORRECTION”が対置されます。それらには政治的・文化的な歴史が挿入され、低俗さと高尚さが奇妙に同居する仕掛けが施されています。その低俗さとは、菊地自身がアーティストとして、これまでの理性主義的な制作において自己を抑圧していたもので、冒頭に述べた「言語」と「社会的に管理される性や死」の関係とのアナロジーで言えば後者にあたります。したがって、本展覧会では、社会の中の個人としての菊地と、かれ個人の理性と反理性の二重性を見て取ることができるでしょう。

“BLACK CORRECTION”においては、言語への関心は記号論的な問題へと拡張され、性の問題は、その他のモチーフに埋没するかたちで低俗さの象徴としてのみ扱われます。それらの低俗さと高度な社会システムとの接点を象徴するのが“Super Processor”です。日本ではポルノを販売・鑑賞するにあたり、局部の修正処理が法的に義務づけられています。Super Processorは、ポルノビデオの修正箇所を復元することができるというふれこみで地下流通していた詐欺まがいの機器の名称です。

本展覧会では、機器Super Processorから着想を得た菊地初のインスタレーション“Room Aroused”が、禁欲的に抽象度を高められた作品群の代表として発表されます。また機器SuperProcessorの錬金術的な経済活動のメタファーとして菊地初の彫刻作品が機器の完全な模刻として発表されます。

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